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アメージング関西弁 Amazing Chatting in Kansai Dialect
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アメージング関西弁 Amazing Chatting in Kansai Dialect
#160 そんなことまでするん~?? Do they really do that??
#159 秋やね~ Autumn has come
#158 知らんかったわ➁ I didn't know➁
#157 知らんかったわ① I didn't know①
#156 困るんやけど~ I'm in trouble~
#155 大阪オフ会!Osaka offline meetup!
#154 オンライレッスン、どんなんやった? How was the online lesson?
#153 悲しい?お知らせ Sad notice?
#152 KITTEに行ってきたで! I went to KITTE!
#151 切手?来て? Stamps? Come?
#150 どういうこと? What does that mean?
#149 お暑うございます It's tooooooooo hot
#148 関西弁、通じんわ My Kansai dialect was not understood
#147 迷惑電話、やめてや~ Stop nuisance calls!
#146 円安が止まらへん The yen keeps weakening
#145 来世はこう生きたい My next life will be...
#144 "チルタイム、教えて!Tell me about your chill time! "
#143 AIサービス、使う?Will you use AI services?
#142 ポイ活やってる? Are you collecting points?
#141 行きたいけど行かれへん! I want to go, but I can't!